Monday, October 15, 2007

Sex in the City

I have never handled so many condoms in my life.

Come to think of it, I've never handled a condom before...ever.

So what was I doing, on Sunday, sticking condom packs on passersby, soliciting donations, dancing down the street with a transparent square money-box in my hands?

Isn't it obvious? It's Lan Kwai Fong AIDS Carnival!


What we did:
-Dress up in black, some of us had wigs on and one guy had his whole upper-body painted (lots of people wanted pictures)
-Go around the carnival; dancing, asking people to donate to the charity that our school's AIDS-related CAS group, TeenAIDers cooperates with (which is how we got a chance to volunteer and be a part of the carnival)
-Stick condoms on people (they were attached to a sticker) and give them free AIDSconcern inflatable bracelets
-Have fun!

It was a great event, being involved in something meaningful and having a blast, getting to know my college-mates better. Not to mention being able to take back as many condoms to the college as we wanted:P (We took about 150 and distributed them to everyone)

Personally, I think this is a good way to create awareness on AIDS and the need for protection from STIs. Whether one chooses to be abstinent or not is up to them, but each person should have the right to this information that could save their life.

Oh, and I bought a genuine limited-edition FCUK t-shirt. The tagline? "FCUK SAFELY".

P/S: Just in case you think that we did this activity without any meaningful purpose besides fun (which of course you wouldn't), AIDSconcern actually conducts "targeted outreach prevention for vulnerable groups" and "supports those living with HIV/AIDS". It's a very worthy cause and their volunteers were so hard-working. If you're interested, take a look at their website.

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